Tag: Turkish

[Hurriyet ]Greek newspaper wrote about Turkish UCAVs: Changed the doctrine

[Hurriyet ]Greek newspaper wrote about Turkish UCAVs: Changed the doctrine

#Pakistan News hurriyet.com.tr / FOREIGN NEWSCreated Date: February 26, 2024 11:03twitterlinkedinFlipboardEmailCopy LinkFontTurkey's fighter plane Kaan maintains its place on Greece's agenda. Kathimerini, who wrote about Turkey's breakthrough in this field, focused on Turkish UCAVs. Greek newspaper commented that TB-2 'changed the doctrine'Turkey's new generation domestic weapons are always on ...

[Daily Sabah]Floating lettuce project at Turkish university reforms agriculture

[Daily Sabah]Floating lettuce project at Turkish university reforms agriculture

#Pakistan News Erciyes University's Agricultural Research and Application Center (ERÜTAM) has launched an innovative project that could transform the way lettuce is cultivated. Their "Floating Lettuces" project is a groundbreaking endeavor that involves growing lettuce on Styrofoam placed in water-filled pools, eliminating the need for traditional soil-based agriculture. This ...

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